Case Studies




Washington State, U.S.A.


Website UI, Presentation, Infographic, Explainer PDF, etc.

For Aloft Appraisal, we were tasked with creating an engaging and interactive PowerPoint presentation, incorporating animations to enhance the overall experience and keep the audience captivated. Alongside the presentation, we worked on designing a user-friendly website UI that reflected the company’s branding and provided a seamless digital experience. We also developed an explainer PDF that simplified complex information, making it more accessible to their audience. To support their marketing efforts, we designed visually appealing emailers and infographics, ensuring consistent branding across all materials. This project allowed us to deliver a cohesive set of designs that strengthened Aloft Appraisal’s communication across multiple platforms.

Explainer PDF

We were tasked with designing an explainer PDF from a raw Word document, visualizing the content through infographics to enhance clarity. Our first draft reflected our understanding of the material, presenting key points in a clean, organized layout. After receiving feedback, we refined the design, ensuring it aligned with the client’s vision. The final result was an engaging, user-friendly PDF that transformed complex information into an easily digestible format, making it simple for users to understand at a glance.

Website and Email Design

We were tasked with designing the website UI for three of Aloft Appraisal’s websites, which were to be developed in WebFlow. We ensured close coordination with the development team to create pixel-perfect designs that translated seamlessly into the final product. The entire UI was carefully crafted to be visually appealing and fully responsive, ensuring compatibility across all screen sizes and devices. Our attention to detail and collaboration with developers resulted in a smooth, user-friendly experience for their websites.


We were tasked with designing a comprehensive training presentation for Heather Sullivan, an AQB Certified USPAP Instructor and a member of The Appraisal Foundation's Appraisal Standards Board. The challenge lay in creating an engaging and fully animated presentation that held the audience's attention throughout. To achieve this, we incorporated features like countdown timers and custom animations, including a seagull animation that added a creative touch. The final product successfully balanced educational content with visual engagement, making it interactive and user-friendly. The presentation was well-received by both Heather Sullivan and the users, earning positive feedback for its creativity and effectiveness.


We were tasked with designing various marketing collateral for Aloft, including emailers, infographics, and newsletters. The challenge was to visualize complex information in a way that was easy to understand while adhering to their brand guidelines. By focusing on clear, concise designs and using visually engaging elements, we created multiple collateral pieces that effectively communicated key messages. Despite the complexity, we successfully maintained brand consistency across all materials and delivered results that were both visually appealing and user-friendly.

Schedule a one-on-one with our design experts! Select a time that works for you, and let’s create something extraordinary!